Wolverine's claws are the most well-known hardware in all of comics, and making replicas of them for Halloween costumes and film shoots is a popular vocation. This video will show you one easy way to ...

If you're making films on your own, good on you. Do you ever find yourself without the money or means to get the props that you need? Every day most likely. This video is here to both inspire and prov ...

First of all, feel free to disregard the first 2:05 of this video, it is not a how-to but behind-the-scenes footage of this guy's short film. After 2:05, however, you will get a great tutorial on how ...

The lasers from Halo might not be quite as famous as the assault rifles form the games, but they are still a very cool-looking and integral part of it. This video will show you how to make your own re ...

WonderHowTo loves paper artillery. More sophisticated in construction than Box Wars, plus tense on-camera drama to boot, Cardboard Warfare is a tight homage to the paper gun. Not completely sold on th ...

Super heros' secret identities are their most guarded secrets. Many choose to protect them with masks, but how to make your mask if you're a new superhero or a filmmaker trying to simulate a super her ...

In order to make fake blood for Halloween, you will need the following: a towel, a spoon, a container, red food color, white corn syrup, and blue food color. This will need to be done on a protecte ...

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a sawed0off shotgun. The materials required for this project are: hot glue gun, duct tape, cardboard, utility knife, black marker, spray paint and 2 p ...

This video has three parts: two that will teach you how to do things and one that is just a badass montage. The two how-to parts of the video will teach you how to first simulate a steadycam / dolly s ...